Primrose tube come's with and without bowe in hair
Tube download belowe please read rulz and use my copy right thank you
This may sound strange but i was imspired but a rose quartz Crystal with this lovely lady as well as the 50's and 60's I just love that erah with clothes an fashion so femanin
Work in progress well the start lol lol lol
Primrose tube come's with and without bowe in hair Tube download belowe please read rulz and use my copy right thank you
Stella was imspired From the old 50's and 60's movies i just love them my mouse drawen tubes are getting better to nerouse to put them a site for sale i still dout myself to much lol lol lol but i do love drawing
I Like show people how i do my drawing's
Close up so you can see the Detail's of my work Love to put my haed phone 's on and have a good Coffee while i'm drawing
Down load is below please read rules and us my cope right thank you hopfuly i might even get a tag from someone lol lol lol
Again Inspired by my Garden there not to hard to grow string of heart's there so pretty i love there leaves i once had mine growing so long hopefully again i will get them that good
Showing how i did the leaves i really enjoy drawing the plant's, i find it very realxing
How they look coloured
You may use tube for persnal use only please read my rulz thank you cheers
Inspired by my garden my fern's mostly there is nothing more nicer then sitting in the quite of your garden lisening to the birds watching the butterfly's seen a few recently...
There so magical, my poor plant's have been coping the heat poor things.
Just showing how i mouse drew the ferns not easy but it was fun, i love ferns
End resolt you saw at top yes a bit clumbsey with a few things ohh well practice makes perfected i say if you whish to down load the Tube it is hear Please read the Rulz if you use my work please use copy right thank you
VirginiaThis blog is where my grapthics and Tubes are as well as drawing's Archives
March 2020