I was Inspired recently By A lady not going to say name's no need for name calling lol lol lol. I found her quite egotisit and a bit on a power trip i think.
It's Funny what you can pick up about people just from thing's they state, even if they don't derectly say it out loude.
Dosn't matter i whish to thank her really she inspired me to make this.
Once i finish doing extras thing's on it i will put it on here for people to download and creat there own tag's hee hee.
It's Funny what you can pick up about people just from thing's they state, even if they don't derectly say it out loude.
Dosn't matter i whish to thank her really she inspired me to make this.
Once i finish doing extras thing's on it i will put it on here for people to download and creat there own tag's hee hee.
I drew grathic on paper first and then scanned it to my computer to work with it from there, this is how i will start doing a lot of my work now untill iget a tablet and work threw that.
I use'd a photo of a ring to use as a Sujected just like i learnt in art school I will show the pic of ring and my tube drawing of diomand so you can see it's my own work and how i did it.
I used this ring as as a Guide or subjected to draw the Diomond It's a photo from the net i don not have any clame on it.
My mouse Drawn Diomand
End resolt which I'm very happy with, I will put attachbal ring's and nail's for people who want a diffrent style for nail I'm very very happy
Any way's that's my night cheers Virginia.
Any way's that's my night cheers Virginia.