Hade quite a nice day today went for a lovely walk again this arvo and gave my birdy friends there treats , i love looking into my magie's face's and there pretty bright eye's
I love the fresh air i love the breese on my skin, watching the birds fly and the cloudes move.
The sun shinning threw the leaves.
Saying hello to people walking past with there pet dog's.
I decided i'm going to start going out and about to diffrent Aborignal spots close by and go up to the nundel state forest walk threw the trees take my new camer and get some good pitures and see all the fern.s.
Its time to go about and look at place's get back into my reading.
OOOhhh yes i have decided it's also time to get my greenhouse a place i can grown my ferns and azalea plants there so pretty a small tabel and chairs and this will be my little place.
My thoughts are with my twin today ...... i miss him.
I sometimes wounder if its possibal the person i was drawn to may just look like my twin and i was hoping to much.
I so deeply love him my heart acks for him..... but i need to let him go and live his life.
But when i channeled Micheal threw he said this was him and that we are pollarates of each other like yin and yang we will always trigger each other as its lessions to grown. It is sad to have seen him treat himself the way he did.
I asked why micheal said the same lession you have with yourself not enought self love, when you don't have enougth love for yourself you attracked use's and people who treat you badly.
What is it that you don't like about yourself.... and why do you feel this way.
Love yourself foults and all exceepted them this is who you are.
Start of small Find 3 things emoshinaly and pyshically.
Work with it talk to your body do you need to forgive yourself.
By forgiving yourself and loving yourself your energy and life will change, not only for you but also for him.
Open your heart be greatful for the things in your life, look at what you have be greatful.
Get a beautiful mirror decrate it with lovely things seround yourself with rose quartz look into you face with the Mirror while touching your heart talk to yourself like a loveing partent and tell yourself.
I love you look into your eyes feel that love give yourself a hug stroke your hand and say i love you say this 3 times say what you aprecate about yourself. or are proude about be your on best friend send yourself love light and goodness.
I seround myself with light love and goodness.
love light and goodness is within me .
Love light and goodeness is where ever i am.
Imagion love serounding you know you deserve it.
What was ment to be will be.
The road is hard but you will get there'
What can you do to change what you don't like is it as bad as you think or is it because someone said so.
What people think is there problaem not yours.
WE can only control ourselves not others..... and we all have our own paths to take.
My guides also said he is always with you energticlly always you can send telapathic messages to each other, mediate and meet each other in meditation.
You know he is sad but he needs to do what is best for him, I could smell Pizza today lol lol lol he only shows me what he will allow me to see, I feel tiredness.
I'm not shore what work he is doing. I feel he get's headacks and neck acks.
But very very busy..... something to do with computers and buildings.
He loves music and water..... Deep thinking and writes down alot of his thought's.
Piano. Raido, music very traputic.
I also saw red roses but i saw one pink one which reminded him of his mother.
Candels, And soft smells touchy feely person.
Good manners also Kind to people and animales.
Likes flowers likes to be serounded by flowers up lift him and make him happy,
That's all im getting at the moment still seeing traveling.'Why do i see police badge may work with police or along with police.
Anyways im getting write of the subjected
Anyway i also have decied to go back to drawing and painting exspecely the angelic realm
I love the fresh air i love the breese on my skin, watching the birds fly and the cloudes move.
The sun shinning threw the leaves.
Saying hello to people walking past with there pet dog's.
I decided i'm going to start going out and about to diffrent Aborignal spots close by and go up to the nundel state forest walk threw the trees take my new camer and get some good pitures and see all the fern.s.
Its time to go about and look at place's get back into my reading.
OOOhhh yes i have decided it's also time to get my greenhouse a place i can grown my ferns and azalea plants there so pretty a small tabel and chairs and this will be my little place.
My thoughts are with my twin today ...... i miss him.
I sometimes wounder if its possibal the person i was drawn to may just look like my twin and i was hoping to much.
I so deeply love him my heart acks for him..... but i need to let him go and live his life.
But when i channeled Micheal threw he said this was him and that we are pollarates of each other like yin and yang we will always trigger each other as its lessions to grown. It is sad to have seen him treat himself the way he did.
I asked why micheal said the same lession you have with yourself not enought self love, when you don't have enougth love for yourself you attracked use's and people who treat you badly.
What is it that you don't like about yourself.... and why do you feel this way.
Love yourself foults and all exceepted them this is who you are.
Start of small Find 3 things emoshinaly and pyshically.
Work with it talk to your body do you need to forgive yourself.
By forgiving yourself and loving yourself your energy and life will change, not only for you but also for him.
Open your heart be greatful for the things in your life, look at what you have be greatful.
Get a beautiful mirror decrate it with lovely things seround yourself with rose quartz look into you face with the Mirror while touching your heart talk to yourself like a loveing partent and tell yourself.
I love you look into your eyes feel that love give yourself a hug stroke your hand and say i love you say this 3 times say what you aprecate about yourself. or are proude about be your on best friend send yourself love light and goodness.
I seround myself with light love and goodness.
love light and goodness is within me .
Love light and goodeness is where ever i am.
Imagion love serounding you know you deserve it.
What was ment to be will be.
The road is hard but you will get there'
What can you do to change what you don't like is it as bad as you think or is it because someone said so.
What people think is there problaem not yours.
WE can only control ourselves not others..... and we all have our own paths to take.
My guides also said he is always with you energticlly always you can send telapathic messages to each other, mediate and meet each other in meditation.
You know he is sad but he needs to do what is best for him, I could smell Pizza today lol lol lol he only shows me what he will allow me to see, I feel tiredness.
I'm not shore what work he is doing. I feel he get's headacks and neck acks.
But very very busy..... something to do with computers and buildings.
He loves music and water..... Deep thinking and writes down alot of his thought's.
Piano. Raido, music very traputic.
I also saw red roses but i saw one pink one which reminded him of his mother.
Candels, And soft smells touchy feely person.
Good manners also Kind to people and animales.
Likes flowers likes to be serounded by flowers up lift him and make him happy,
That's all im getting at the moment still seeing traveling.'Why do i see police badge may work with police or along with police.
Anyways im getting write of the subjected
Anyway i also have decied to go back to drawing and painting exspecely the angelic realm
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