The Messages I have been reciving or should i say sines ive been reciving its wildey crazy i thought what the hell, I also had a phone call to day from a lady that what's me to do QHHT on her so i have my first Giney Pig how excitting so next wensday it starts she also has two other friends that would like to try First thing first one at a time...
That message i got the channeling was for me not my twin ..... i cryed my eyes out its so not fair.
But My guides have known to be strong and forcelful with me keeping me on track also my green house turned up today this will be my little quite time spot to both relax and do readings.
I so many idears for this but ill post my finished resolts.
My twin is still with me energetically i love him with all my heart and soul.
One thing stood out to me somthing he said to me a long time ago now makes senese and why i got a little anger at him talking about somthing over and over, then it hit me today.
How can someone want love so badly yet the people they went out with it didn't last.
Because they only knew how to love the way others have showen him.
I think probley out of all only one really showed him love, the others only wanted something from him not love. This is so sad, As this is not what i see when i look into his eyes.
Or am I readying into to much, He is a good person i don't think badly of him there is two sides to every thing.
I had a cousen i loved her very much she chased what she thought was love but was not because she was never showen it.
She thought sex and intamcie was love and that this is how she got it.
Sadly my cousen passed away years agao, she did find love with a man that did love her and adored her he was a truck driver and she loved trucks, she really did care for her.
Know i understand what he was trying to say i can see his side......
To me love is like an exsampel is a cake it has to have the right ingredence you going to have good days your going to have bad days but serport is the most inportent ingreadent lisening trying to look at it from the other persons point of veiw.
Lisening is very inportant talking is very inportant being friends learning to trust sociote has destored what love is with sex its on your tv its in magaziens its everywhere.
I'm not saying sex and intamcie is not inportant it is But i would rather have deep feelings and trust then just go sleep with anyone.
Thats Just me.....
But in a way it can be also addictive and destrucktive it releses hormones in your body in which you crave for jsut like Achole, and drugs like sugar omgoodness sugar is worse then cocan you get this rush of exciment adreinalen. then it all drops you feel crap.
Anyways going on lol lol lol
I also went onto one of the sites for study and found sound vibrashion course and a solrfeggio Frequencies.
So it begin's Lol lol lol Its all happening..... Found a good coupel on U tube i also started Drawing My big big angel my seraphim i got tolled to call him archtum he has goden eyes that perce threw your soul that don't miss anything, But his energy is so warm and soft.
I feel like a itty bitty child to this angel the only way i can describe him is that moment in the movie monkey magic where monkey is in buda's hand..... So big like a planet.
They are ready to work with other souls now.
anyways i have to leave it here....
to my twin my energy is always with you i do love you i whish i could give you a squezzy hug .
That message i got the channeling was for me not my twin ..... i cryed my eyes out its so not fair.
But My guides have known to be strong and forcelful with me keeping me on track also my green house turned up today this will be my little quite time spot to both relax and do readings.
I so many idears for this but ill post my finished resolts.
My twin is still with me energetically i love him with all my heart and soul.
One thing stood out to me somthing he said to me a long time ago now makes senese and why i got a little anger at him talking about somthing over and over, then it hit me today.
How can someone want love so badly yet the people they went out with it didn't last.
Because they only knew how to love the way others have showen him.
I think probley out of all only one really showed him love, the others only wanted something from him not love. This is so sad, As this is not what i see when i look into his eyes.
Or am I readying into to much, He is a good person i don't think badly of him there is two sides to every thing.
I had a cousen i loved her very much she chased what she thought was love but was not because she was never showen it.
She thought sex and intamcie was love and that this is how she got it.
Sadly my cousen passed away years agao, she did find love with a man that did love her and adored her he was a truck driver and she loved trucks, she really did care for her.
Know i understand what he was trying to say i can see his side......
To me love is like an exsampel is a cake it has to have the right ingredence you going to have good days your going to have bad days but serport is the most inportent ingreadent lisening trying to look at it from the other persons point of veiw.
Lisening is very inportant talking is very inportant being friends learning to trust sociote has destored what love is with sex its on your tv its in magaziens its everywhere.
I'm not saying sex and intamcie is not inportant it is But i would rather have deep feelings and trust then just go sleep with anyone.
Thats Just me.....
But in a way it can be also addictive and destrucktive it releses hormones in your body in which you crave for jsut like Achole, and drugs like sugar omgoodness sugar is worse then cocan you get this rush of exciment adreinalen. then it all drops you feel crap.
Anyways going on lol lol lol
I also went onto one of the sites for study and found sound vibrashion course and a solrfeggio Frequencies.
So it begin's Lol lol lol Its all happening..... Found a good coupel on U tube i also started Drawing My big big angel my seraphim i got tolled to call him archtum he has goden eyes that perce threw your soul that don't miss anything, But his energy is so warm and soft.
I feel like a itty bitty child to this angel the only way i can describe him is that moment in the movie monkey magic where monkey is in buda's hand..... So big like a planet.
They are ready to work with other souls now.
anyways i have to leave it here....
to my twin my energy is always with you i do love you i whish i could give you a squezzy hug .