I don't know why i feel off today tired feel alittle sick my hip, leg and anckel is acking bad i even feel alittle off in the tummy it could be from the lower hip and back pain.
I got A Certifcate for taking today off, I just feel so off.
My twin I feel there is a blonde headed lady i feel in her early or late tweentys or early 30's that wants you back you might have had a relashionship with this lady or a fling friends with benafits maybe.....
She wants you back or you have feelings for her I am unshore .... Please Don't stop living your life for me i am to far away from you for anything to happen I have to be Relistic.....This was dommed before it even started maybe we can just be friends.....This is up to you.
I don't exspected anything from you never have.
Live your life be happy ..... i know you can't live with out a pyshical relashionship me on the other hand Can...... I like it no one demanding my time, Not having to relie on anyone but myself, I love just getting in my car and going where i want to go.
I'm not hurting whats the use lol lol lol some things are not meant to happen.
I don't want to get marryed it's just a pieace of paper.
I did when i was younger now after i hit 40 i cryed my eyes out and relised that this was never going to happen for me its not for me if it was it would have happned.
No great loss ...... I have my soulmate he's a Tree lol lol lol best thing that ever came into my life.
Hes name is Danny ive cryed to danny ive been sick with danny, ive tolled and shared all my secreats to him all my worrys and fears, plus magic with him he loves me i feel it when i sit with him.
He's even taken a photo of me and him lol lol lol I'm not lieing.
I release you and let you go this is all ive known from you, you come in you go out IT IS WHAT IT IS that is why i don't have any hope for us its just not ment to happen.
I don't want to wast your time or mine i have to be happy with what i have, and love myself.
In a way its a blessing you live so far away i wount have to be pulled in and out in real life which would have been worse.
But can i say one thing just move on this time i'm tired of these's games i'm too old for theses childish games .....
Can i ask one honest question what was the meaning and purpes of it all did you want Revenge to hurt me you've already hurt me enought ..... if that makes you feel happy then good on you, I whish nothing but love and happyness for you peace.
One thing my guides tolled me as well as my father who was a real life angel on this earth never whish anyone ill or bad never become like them.
You have a girl there that wants you she's reading all my stuff and following me on Utube.
I now know why i don't want want to pull my walls down and this time there staying up and i'm quite happy to live in my little pink Bubbel.
I already knew this was going to happen ....... no more enought is enought no more chances.
I'm cutting the cords and asking for the contracted to be removed.
I want PEACE...... my tree gives me peace
I got A Certifcate for taking today off, I just feel so off.
My twin I feel there is a blonde headed lady i feel in her early or late tweentys or early 30's that wants you back you might have had a relashionship with this lady or a fling friends with benafits maybe.....
She wants you back or you have feelings for her I am unshore .... Please Don't stop living your life for me i am to far away from you for anything to happen I have to be Relistic.....This was dommed before it even started maybe we can just be friends.....This is up to you.
I don't exspected anything from you never have.
Live your life be happy ..... i know you can't live with out a pyshical relashionship me on the other hand Can...... I like it no one demanding my time, Not having to relie on anyone but myself, I love just getting in my car and going where i want to go.
I'm not hurting whats the use lol lol lol some things are not meant to happen.
I don't want to get marryed it's just a pieace of paper.
I did when i was younger now after i hit 40 i cryed my eyes out and relised that this was never going to happen for me its not for me if it was it would have happned.
No great loss ...... I have my soulmate he's a Tree lol lol lol best thing that ever came into my life.
Hes name is Danny ive cryed to danny ive been sick with danny, ive tolled and shared all my secreats to him all my worrys and fears, plus magic with him he loves me i feel it when i sit with him.
He's even taken a photo of me and him lol lol lol I'm not lieing.
I release you and let you go this is all ive known from you, you come in you go out IT IS WHAT IT IS that is why i don't have any hope for us its just not ment to happen.
I don't want to wast your time or mine i have to be happy with what i have, and love myself.
In a way its a blessing you live so far away i wount have to be pulled in and out in real life which would have been worse.
But can i say one thing just move on this time i'm tired of these's games i'm too old for theses childish games .....
Can i ask one honest question what was the meaning and purpes of it all did you want Revenge to hurt me you've already hurt me enought ..... if that makes you feel happy then good on you, I whish nothing but love and happyness for you peace.
One thing my guides tolled me as well as my father who was a real life angel on this earth never whish anyone ill or bad never become like them.
You have a girl there that wants you she's reading all my stuff and following me on Utube.
I now know why i don't want want to pull my walls down and this time there staying up and i'm quite happy to live in my little pink Bubbel.
I already knew this was going to happen ....... no more enought is enought no more chances.
I'm cutting the cords and asking for the contracted to be removed.
I want PEACE...... my tree gives me peace
The truth is i love Trees and nature more then people and there dramers and you know what i'm stronger then this and i will get threw it.
Now i can throw myself back into my work helping the residents who i feel deserves my love more then anyone eals and study Buliding on myself as well as helping others Theres panty other fish in the sea for you you can have anyone you want.... lots of girls whould just love you as you have reminded me in the past.
Hate me i don't care whish me nothing but misry i don't care.
That is your probleam not mine, what you think and feel about me is your busyness not mine.
Ive already had a part of me ripped apart by anouter narsassits.
But i'm going to finally get this part of myself back and give all my love to mother nature and myself i deserve my own love I'm not wasting my time and energy on anouther man unless god throws him in my path like i said hopeful anouther start seed with beautiful eyes i whish you love happenes and nothing but the best...... I'm still going to help others who have Troubel with Anixity and depression as well as self love while also working on myself.
i'm also too old for a love Relashionship i'm 51 now i gave up hope when i hit my 40's i'm both too old and tired to even try any more it's to much work.
I have exceepted that this is my path my life and i do fee this was what i wrote in my own life scriped before coming her do my job and get out.
Maybe its all about self love and respected and not what to settal for.
Finally good bye and good luck the door is closed please do not come back it is OVER.
I know in my heart it is.
I really have no Idear why you came into my life maybe to see my own self worth and give myself love and to see what a true player is thank god i never physical meet you i could just imagion the damage that would have coursed me.
Do i hate you NO i just have to stop exspecting to much and relise some things are just not ment to happen.
Theres someone eals out there for you i feel a lady with aurben hair very Thin and tall very sexy. In her late 20's early 30's sexy brown eyes, very senshal you type to a t she is confiten and oosssess sex apeal i don't know why but this woman may even have been in movies but not your normal movies you know what i mean wink wink.
For some resion why do i see these's kind of magaziens with you i see 4 to 6 of them
Now i can throw myself back into my work helping the residents who i feel deserves my love more then anyone eals and study Buliding on myself as well as helping others Theres panty other fish in the sea for you you can have anyone you want.... lots of girls whould just love you as you have reminded me in the past.
Hate me i don't care whish me nothing but misry i don't care.
That is your probleam not mine, what you think and feel about me is your busyness not mine.
Ive already had a part of me ripped apart by anouter narsassits.
But i'm going to finally get this part of myself back and give all my love to mother nature and myself i deserve my own love I'm not wasting my time and energy on anouther man unless god throws him in my path like i said hopeful anouther start seed with beautiful eyes i whish you love happenes and nothing but the best...... I'm still going to help others who have Troubel with Anixity and depression as well as self love while also working on myself.
i'm also too old for a love Relashionship i'm 51 now i gave up hope when i hit my 40's i'm both too old and tired to even try any more it's to much work.
I have exceepted that this is my path my life and i do fee this was what i wrote in my own life scriped before coming her do my job and get out.
Maybe its all about self love and respected and not what to settal for.
Finally good bye and good luck the door is closed please do not come back it is OVER.
I know in my heart it is.
I really have no Idear why you came into my life maybe to see my own self worth and give myself love and to see what a true player is thank god i never physical meet you i could just imagion the damage that would have coursed me.
Do i hate you NO i just have to stop exspecting to much and relise some things are just not ment to happen.
Theres someone eals out there for you i feel a lady with aurben hair very Thin and tall very sexy. In her late 20's early 30's sexy brown eyes, very senshal you type to a t she is confiten and oosssess sex apeal i don't know why but this woman may even have been in movies but not your normal movies you know what i mean wink wink.
For some resion why do i see these's kind of magaziens with you i see 4 to 6 of them
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