This Image above reminds me of Nundel state forest omgness thoses ferns.
I know this sound werid but do you ever look at somthing and it makes you excitted.
Well tree ferns and ferns as well as the ocean do this for me, i feel like a little child again.
I just want to sit with them the ferns the ocean and sea waves give me butterflys in the tummy then again crystals have this effected on me also lol lol lol.
Even thinking about crystals make me happy i sleep with crystals in my bed lol lol lol.
I just love it. That reminds me i need to balance my charkras and do some meditation with crystals.
I hade a very very stressful day today, at one point today i wanted to cry i thought what the hell is wrong with you....
Ive learnt to be my own healer and threapest,
If i feel overwhealmed , shut off from people and tend to want to be by myself.
Exspcelly if my anixity is bad, I talk myself threw it. as well as meditate.
I try to look at myself as the observer my own best friend.
I ask myself ..... What's coursing you to feel this way.
This is a Trigger and you need to look at it in a bigger piture.
What do you feel is triggering you.
Then ill sit quitly for a few minets and ill look at whats making me upset.
Then i start my EFT inwhich a friend showed me.
I tap the points on my body where thy stimulate the acupressure points i sometimes end up laughting at myself when i relise i'm thinking to much.
It helps so much this helps trapped energy to flow.
and Again he is in my thoughts its every day i keep getting pulled to join Reddit i hade a small look on there lastnight to see if i would find anything intresting on there ...... I'm not shore what.
Mybe dolfins or Sound threapy
I know this sound werid but do you ever look at somthing and it makes you excitted.
Well tree ferns and ferns as well as the ocean do this for me, i feel like a little child again.
I just want to sit with them the ferns the ocean and sea waves give me butterflys in the tummy then again crystals have this effected on me also lol lol lol.
Even thinking about crystals make me happy i sleep with crystals in my bed lol lol lol.
I just love it. That reminds me i need to balance my charkras and do some meditation with crystals.
I hade a very very stressful day today, at one point today i wanted to cry i thought what the hell is wrong with you....
Ive learnt to be my own healer and threapest,
If i feel overwhealmed , shut off from people and tend to want to be by myself.
Exspcelly if my anixity is bad, I talk myself threw it. as well as meditate.
I try to look at myself as the observer my own best friend.
I ask myself ..... What's coursing you to feel this way.
This is a Trigger and you need to look at it in a bigger piture.
What do you feel is triggering you.
Then ill sit quitly for a few minets and ill look at whats making me upset.
Then i start my EFT inwhich a friend showed me.
I tap the points on my body where thy stimulate the acupressure points i sometimes end up laughting at myself when i relise i'm thinking to much.
It helps so much this helps trapped energy to flow.
and Again he is in my thoughts its every day i keep getting pulled to join Reddit i hade a small look on there lastnight to see if i would find anything intresting on there ...... I'm not shore what.
Mybe dolfins or Sound threapy
Im not shore what ill look at I like going onto Rumbel get alot of informashion on there about the world and what happening in countrys what our goverment is doing to people.
I feel my twin is very tired to day has retreated into himself i see him asleep and a wooden cabon i also see big glass door that opens out onto a verander.
I see pretty dark eye lashes alot longer then mine i'm so jelouse.
Doing some self work deep thinking doing some deep healing work has some inner woundes that need healing for some resion i also pick up red think gloves ones you use when you go in the snow.
And tears been crying wanting to be left alone for awahile.
Plaining on other places to go, i'm sick of creeps sending mr shit threw facebook its really pissing me off so over it .... i tired of creeps some fucken werido wanker send me shit threw facebook now i'm in a really bad mood ....Fuck me.
I hate it when men talk to me like that it gives me the hibey jebeys errhhhh makes my skin crawl yucky
Not happy jan ......
Bloody werido .....Anyway i'm going to leave it here I'm tooo Pissed off now
I feel my twin is very tired to day has retreated into himself i see him asleep and a wooden cabon i also see big glass door that opens out onto a verander.
I see pretty dark eye lashes alot longer then mine i'm so jelouse.
Doing some self work deep thinking doing some deep healing work has some inner woundes that need healing for some resion i also pick up red think gloves ones you use when you go in the snow.
And tears been crying wanting to be left alone for awahile.
Plaining on other places to go, i'm sick of creeps sending mr shit threw facebook its really pissing me off so over it .... i tired of creeps some fucken werido wanker send me shit threw facebook now i'm in a really bad mood ....Fuck me.
I hate it when men talk to me like that it gives me the hibey jebeys errhhhh makes my skin crawl yucky
Not happy jan ......
Bloody werido .....Anyway i'm going to leave it here I'm tooo Pissed off now
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