My anckel has again fleared up I didn't sleep well lastnight i cryed off and on most of the night i felt i did the right thing because i know he's marryed as she is conneceted to his site i saw it.
I will not aproch him i still have deep feelings for him when i look at him my heart pounds.
I want to share so much the things i love. I just want to talk talk talk.
I went to my soul sister Mel and showed her some things she said yep thats him.
I said i know we had a good talk she said sometimes we don't end up with our twins.
I said i know she meet her twin had children to him.
But there not togeather any more she said i love him still she said i still cry over him.
I said really i said to Mel it's too late now i feel it's too late.
I'm too old i feel we will never meet, she said you never know i feel you's might you just don't know.
But ..... theres the But.....
He's marryed she's still there with him.
I think the only thing i can do is stay grounded meditate i can meet him in meditations i don't think they could be so wrong.
I can talk to him in meditations, And channeleing.
One thing i'm so happy about is that hes safe hes happy, This makes me so happy and makes me smile.
I whish you could read my Site.
I want you to understand me, how deeply i feel i feel so much I'm highly senstive, and very Empathatic.
I just feel so much of every thing i feel verything so deeply.
Emoshions feelings.
I feel it maybe to late and i have pushed you away to far .....
but this is my own probleam.
I think i really need to give this to the creator.
I will not aproch him i still have deep feelings for him when i look at him my heart pounds.
I want to share so much the things i love. I just want to talk talk talk.
I went to my soul sister Mel and showed her some things she said yep thats him.
I said i know we had a good talk she said sometimes we don't end up with our twins.
I said i know she meet her twin had children to him.
But there not togeather any more she said i love him still she said i still cry over him.
I said really i said to Mel it's too late now i feel it's too late.
I'm too old i feel we will never meet, she said you never know i feel you's might you just don't know.
But ..... theres the But.....
He's marryed she's still there with him.
I think the only thing i can do is stay grounded meditate i can meet him in meditations i don't think they could be so wrong.
I can talk to him in meditations, And channeleing.
One thing i'm so happy about is that hes safe hes happy, This makes me so happy and makes me smile.
I whish you could read my Site.
I want you to understand me, how deeply i feel i feel so much I'm highly senstive, and very Empathatic.
I just feel so much of every thing i feel verything so deeply.
Emoshions feelings.
I feel it maybe to late and i have pushed you away to far .....
but this is my own probleam.
I think i really need to give this to the creator.
I serpose if the big guy up stairs throws it on my path or am i being dulusonal
or maybe he thinks im dulushinal crazy coconut lady .
I tend to run around in circels like im chasing my tail.
I just feel so tired i really don't have the energy to think,
it has turned cold quite quicky i was laughing at mac the dog he had his little feet out getting the warmth from the fire.
I think also my biggest fear is to be used that the person i love and care for just wants to use me this scarrys me i think this would brack me more then anything.
my goodness i'm having troubel keeping my eyes open.
I think its time to have a shower and do a meditation.
I think after all i have lost my brother my father my twin my brothers best friend my aunty im very friten to let anyone close, i do want love a lover/friend but im so friten.
someone i can shair all my deepest parts of me my thoughts
i just feel so deeply. every thing feels so hightented smell touch taste all my sensors become so highten.
anyways i'm going to go im really really tired. i have a slight headack.
my twin i do love you i do care but i don't want to interfear or cause you troubel.
or maybe he thinks im dulushinal crazy coconut lady .
I tend to run around in circels like im chasing my tail.
I just feel so tired i really don't have the energy to think,
it has turned cold quite quicky i was laughing at mac the dog he had his little feet out getting the warmth from the fire.
I think also my biggest fear is to be used that the person i love and care for just wants to use me this scarrys me i think this would brack me more then anything.
my goodness i'm having troubel keeping my eyes open.
I think its time to have a shower and do a meditation.
I think after all i have lost my brother my father my twin my brothers best friend my aunty im very friten to let anyone close, i do want love a lover/friend but im so friten.
someone i can shair all my deepest parts of me my thoughts
i just feel so deeply. every thing feels so hightented smell touch taste all my sensors become so highten.
anyways i'm going to go im really really tired. i have a slight headack.
my twin i do love you i do care but i don't want to interfear or cause you troubel.